I grew up in a home with a Christian Mother and Dad. I was a sympathizer. I don’t remember not going to church (Sunday School). I only attended Sunday School until I was nine. Then my SS teacher asked me if I wanted to stay for “Story Hour”. I did and found it was “Preaching Service”, what we call “Church”. I attended church after that and began to “feel/know” that I was one of the people that needed Jesus. I needed saving. I was only nine, but I knew I wasn’t right with God. I knew I was one of the "lost" the preacher was talking about. I struggled with this for several weeks. I can remember gripping the pew and not going forward. Then one Sunday I went up and talked to the Preacher and told him I needed Jesus. He explained that I needed to agree with God that I was a sinner and ask Jesus to come into my life to be my Lord and my Savior. I did just that and felt an immediate peace and security. I knew everything was right. God has been a faithful guide for my life ever since that day. He is the only constant in a changing world.
When I was in my early twenties I was invited to the newly- formed Beacon Hill Baptist Church, by my big sister June. I had not ever been exposed to the Gospel nor owned a Bible until a few years earlier. I had bought a Bible from a door to door salesman because I had heard “Every house ought to have a Bible.” I hadn’t used it. I continued to go to the church. It seemed Southern Baptist Churches healed study courses periodically as the very young new pastor; Bill Robinson followed all the rules. I attended the study course “What Baptist’s Believe” taught by another new young preacher, Austin Hunt even more to follow Baptist traditions. On the last night of the week- long study and the first time anyone knew of, he gave an invitation for anyone wanting to accept Jesus as their Savior. It was meant just for me and my husband Harold. We were the only ones accepting the Lord. I have been going regularly to that church for well over sixty years and have been blessed by every year of it.
I am a person who was raised going to church, hearing God's word from the time I can remember and before. Intellectually I always knew there was God and but one God. I knew all the Bible stories having been taught them over and over again by the faithful servants of God in my childhood church. It was all right there in my head. When I was 12 years old lying in bed one night thinking over all the things of God I had been taught, God opened my heart to the realization that it was all facts in my head not Jesus in my heart. I, at that moment, became aware that good deeds would not be enough. All the teachings I had ever had about making Jesus Savior and Lord of my life became clear and real to me personally. I asked Him to be Savior and Lord of my life that night. The next Sunday I followed up with a public profession of faith in Jesus and followed Him in baptism. I have, however imperfectly, lived in that faith the rest of my life. Jesus has seen me through the good and bad of life.